Segunda Vez (Second Time Around) is a film and analysis project using the figure of author, critic, artist and psychoanalyst Oscar Masotta (Buenos Aires 1930 – Barcelona 1979) as a trigger to speak about art, politics and psychoanalysis.
Art refers to performance art, repetition (second time around) and event (to happen again). Politics refers to the complex position of the artist within an urgent political situation, calling for action. Psychoanalysis refers to a method, a form of transmission of knowledge that allows to give complex but efficient answers to complex problems involving language, body, and memory.
Segunda Vez (Second Time Around) will produce a book and a movie on the work of Oscar Masotta. The title is very propitious: in a medium desolated by the yearning for originality, Masotta did unique things doing them for “a second time”.
For the movie, Segunda Vez, we will film the repetition of the three happenings Masotta realized in 1966: “Para inducir el espíritu de la imagen”, “El mensaje fantasma” and “El helicóptero”. Next to that, two other chapters of the film (“Segunda vez” and “La Eterna”) will link these happenings to a specific literary, political and psychoanalytical context.
The book, next to a number of original contributions by several authors, will have the following texts by Masotta, in original Spanish and translated into English: “After Pop, We Dematerialize” (Después del Pop, nosotros desmaterializamos, 1967), “I Committed a Happening” (Yo cometí un happening, 1967) and “Sex and Betrayal in Roberto Artl” (Sexo y traición en Roberto Arlt, written in 1958, published in 1965). We will also try to translate into English “Roberto Arlt and Myself” (Roberto Arlt y yo mismo) (1965).